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Partnerships Ken Wu Partnerships Ken Wu

Canada-wide Art Auction for Old Growth Raises $35,000 for NBSF!

The Nature-Based Solutions Foundation is ecstatic to announce that the second ever Art Auction for Old Growth, an annual Canada-wide event organized by painter Kyle Scheurmann, has raised over $35,000 for our projects to protect endangered old-growth forests in BC! This year’s event was a wonderful accomplishment thanks to the unified and unrelenting determination of passionate Canadian artists working to make a difference for old-growth forests.

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Press Release Ken Wu Press Release Ken Wu

Media Release: Conservation group buys one of BC’s most diverse old-growth forests – to be gifted with a conservation covenant to the Kanaka Bar Indian Band

The Nature-Based Solutions Foundation has completed a purchase of what could be the most diverse old-growth forest in BC, located in the Fraser Canyon about 15 km south of Lytton in the unceded territory of the Kanaka Bar Indian Band. The private property was purchased in August by the new conservation organization, which intends to gift the land with a conservation covenant to the Kanaka Bar Band, who are working on major conservation projects throughout their territory.

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